Surveying Theory

Surveying Theory

1. Introduction


67 hrs.

Definition and objective of Surveying. Introduction of various units used for measuring length, area, volume in C.G.S, F.P.S AND M.K.S. methods and their internal Conversion.

2. Chain Surveying

2.1 Principles of chain Surveying.

2.2 Instruments used in chain surveying with their brief description and sketch.

2.3 Definition of

  • (a) Base line
  • (b) Tie line
  • (c) Offsets
  • (d) Reconnaissance
  • (e) Well Conditioned Triangles

2.4 Upkeep of a field book.

2.5 Overcoming obstacle, ranging a line.

2.6 Errors in chain Survey (no deduction): Simple numerical problems.

2.7 Methods used (only brief idea for practical work).

3. Compass Surveying

3.1 Introduction.

3.2 Brief description of prismatic compass, Surveyor's compass, bearing of lines, magnetic and true bearing, dip, local attraction. Measurement of internal angle of two lines stations.

3.3 Methods of plotting compass survey traverse. Adjustments of closing error. Recording of Field Book.

3.4 Simple Numerical problems on errors in chain Surveying.

4. Levelling

4.1 Brief description of various levelling instruments with its components.

4.2 Methods used in levelling. Simple numerical problems.

4.3 Reciprocal levelling. Simple numerical problems.

4.4 Levelling difficulties.

4.5 Use of Levelling Instrument for site levelling, Road Cross Section and upkeep of a field book.

5. Plane Table Survey

5.1 Introduction, Brief description of Instruments used in Plane Table Survey.

5.2 Methods used in Plane Table Survey (only description for practical class). Advantages & Disadvantages.

5.3 Brief description of Centering, Levelling, Orientation operation used in Plane Table Survey.

6. Theodolite Survey

6.1 Description of Instrument, Principles of measuring horizontal angles and vertical angles.

6.2 Temporary Adjustments of Theodolite.

6.3 Traverse Survey with the Theodolite work.

6.4 Sources of error in Theodolite work.

6.5 Checks in Traversing.

7. Reading of Building Drawing

7.1 Plan, Elevation and Section of a small building.

7.2 Simple idea of R.C.C. Structural detail like Beam, Slab, Column, Footing. Introduction to brief idea for material calculation.

7.3 Layout of a Plan with area calculation by Simpson's 1/3 Rule & Trapizoidal method.